Well it seems that my excitement for my blog must have waned a bit so I've decided to play catch up. It's been a busy week so far. Yesterday Sarah and I went to court to finalize our divorce. After that we had a very nice day together talking and playing Scrabble. I had not really played Scrabble much before and I'm happy to report I did quite well. Tuesday evening Marcus and I went over to Leah's place and ran off with her two tubs of Beanie Babies. So we counted them and put the names into an Excel spreadsheet. Marcus was so helpful. He would take one out of the tub hold it up look at the tush tag and tell me the name and I'd type it in then I'd say "animal" and he would tell me what kind of animal it was. We did this in a effort to find valuable ones and put them for sale on Ebay. Now we are at this point halfway through looking up the prices on all 142 Beanie Babies and have become somewhat disheartened to learn that not many of them are worth very much in todays Beanie market. Here is a picture of Marcus on my bed with 142 Beanie Babies.

I've not heard from Lauren in the last week or so which kinda bums me out as I'm used to chatting with her during the day. Where are you woman? Say hi to Matt and B for me.
Oh Oh before I forget. Nicole and I went to Target last night and bought Vienna Sausages for dinner. I'm pretty sure those things are terrible for you but they always tasted great to me.
Have a great day.